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All Aboard the Holiday Train!
Members Were Abuzz At UU's Fall Festival
Mission Peak Village Receives Unexpected Visitors
Signs of Spring & Special Event
Sandi introduces cohousing to her Niles Rotary club.
Mission Peak Village partners with UD+P
Our design plans approach the submittal stage
Kick-Off Workshops in full swing!
City council hears appeal for the project's progress
Envisioning art for the Irvington BART Station
Why cohousing is more sustainable
Four Ways to Make August a Game Changer
Our Plan Goes to Planning Commission
Meet the neighbors with us in this issue.
We welcome a new Member and head to the market.
Plans go to preliminary design review
Join us for a community picnic
Katie McCamant introduces her Kick-Off Workshop series
Meet us outside at an in person event
We joined the Fremont Green Challenge
We chose an architect
The White Picket Fence
By CohoUS' Trish Becker
New Progress in the New Year!
It's our land deal's anniversary!!!
I think we're finally ready to submit??
Architectural design begins, but nothing is final
Interest surges with new site
Enjoying some summertime fun
Like Kermit, we're thinking green
Cohousing in Fremont