In The News
Tri-City Voice
To move or not to move: Cohousing members mitigate hesitation
88% of people who moved in the last 5 years were happy they did. Big scary moves are less scary when you know your neighbors will welcome you with open arms

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing offers attractive lifestyle for empty nesters
For many parents, the day their children leave the nest marks a
major transition. They find themselves with a home that exceeds their needs and a surplus of time and energy that had been previously devoted to their children.
Mercury News
Mission Peak Village creates new Bay Area housing and intergenerational connections
Buying a home should be about more than your own physical space. Mission Peak Village intends to create community where they live.
Tri-City Voice
Cohousing Group Meets the Neighbors
It's never too soon to make connections with neighbors and local businesses we'll be interacting with all the time. Plus, we learned quite a bit from our future neighbors.
Tri-City Voice
Mountain View Cohousing celebrates an anniversary
We look to our sister community for advice and inspiration. We're happy to celebrate this huge milestone with our friends at Mountain View Cohousing.
Tri-City Voice
Mission Peak Village members meet the neighbors
Recently our group mailed letters to the owners and residents in our immediate area to introduce ourselves, describe our plans, and explain the project.
Tri-City Voice
Distance is no obstacle to join cohousing
Member Anna found us online and feels like she's been able to make meaningful connections with the group all the way from Southern California. Don't let distance stop you!

Tri-City Voice
"People pay a lot of attention to potential costs of strong relationships and downplay potential benefits." Explore the benefits in this week's article
Tri-City Voice
Cohousing Becomes Trendy in the US
Cohousing is not a new concept to the United States, but it has recently gotten some new blood in the form of the Cohousing Association of the US's new Executive Director!

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing helps residents feel more secure when away from home
Living in a community where everyone knows one another certainly has advantages, and security while you're away is certainly one of them!

Tri-City Voice
Former Council Member Rick Jones endorses cohousing
After eights years of service, Rick Jones spent much of his time trying to diversify housing options in Fremont. In that time, he gave a hearty endorsement for Mission Peak Village.

Tri-City Voice
Farmers market shoppers attracted to cohousing booth
We've got a cozy little spot at the Farmers' Market. Evelyn and Caroline had a wonderful time talking to shoppers about cohousing and our intergenerational vision.

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing approach to housing crisis
The demand for housing is greater than supply, so we're building our dream community ourselves. These condos may be market-rate, but over time the cost of living reduces.

Photo by Wayne Bowen, MPV Member
Tri-City Voice
Active seniors thrive in cohousing communities
Cohousing solves many issues posed for people who wish to age gracefully in place. Studies show loneliness can be deadly and Mission Peak Village plans to build the antidote.

Mercury News
Children feel safe and supported in cohousing-oriented neighborhoods
We believe cohousing is a better way to live, and the Mercury News just printed it! Check out this article to see why you might want to raise a family in community.

Tri-City Voice
Niles Rotary and league of Women Voters learn about Fremont cohousing project
Our Member and the rotary's former president, Sandi Pantages took to the stage to talk about Mission Peak Cohousing. What an inspiring presentation!

Tri-City Voice
You may already know these cohousing people
Cohousers are known for being active in the community, but our Members are unmatched in their generosity of time and spirit! Check this article out to see where you may recognize our Members from.

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing communities help parents of young children find balance
Children raised in cohousing report nothing but good things, as far as we can tell. They report feeling supported and connected to people of all ages in this article.

Tri-City Voice
Less to buy, maintain, and store means more time for the things that matter. Working together might just be the key to long-term sustainability.

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing pioneer Katie McCamant explains concept's success
Katie McCamant not only has decades of experience to back her up, but she invented the word itself. There's a reason cohousing is spiking in popularity after the pandemic.

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing communities find imaginative ways to celebrate holidays
In cohousing, residents find any reason to celebrate being alive. Here we listed just a few celebrations you can find across most communities in the Unites States.

Tri-City Voice
How shared meals work out in cohousing
Common meals aren't as stressful as they may seem. Many hands make light work. Check out this article for an explanation and your first common meal recipe.

Tri-City Voice
How cul-de-sac living is different from cohousing
At one time, cul-de-sac living was part of the American Dream — it allows residents to reduce pollution and crime! Cohousing has all the benefits of cul-de-sacs, plus more in this article by Members Jane and Evelyn.

Tri-City Voice
Study shows that cohousing has advantage in resale value
Once people live in cohousing, they tend to stay forever. When they do go up for sale, studies show increased home values compared to neighboring developments, which makes cohousing a very practical investment.

The Mercury News
Find a house for the whole family
Sullivan explains why families are moving in together and why others are seeking community in other ways, including innovative approaches like cohousing.

Tri-City Voice
Seven reasons to live in cohousing
If you're living in a traditional housing model, you might wonder why people choose to live in cohousing. This list makes it simple: community matters.

Tri-City Voice
Revealed! Mission Peak Village shows off its plans
If you missed our big design reveal, we have a nice little recap of the event. Spoiler alert: it was a huge success! Getting to share our passion and mingle with attendees proved quite exciting for Members.

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing is a better way to live for many: Interview with Mission Peak Cohousing Member
Member Evelyn dispels some myths about cohousing and talks about building community in a post-COVID world.

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing group to reveal its design concept
“Our train is actually leaving the station now,” observes Mission Peak Village co-founder Jane Mueller. “The most daunting task was to secure the land to build on. We found an ideal spot, we have a stunning design, and we are now truly on the way to our destination.”

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing, get to know your neighbors BEFORE you move in
Socializing doesn't have to be so scary. We're interested in human connection and solving problems together! Read more about the ways we've worked together before we're just next door.

The Mercury News
Mission Peak Village introduces Fremont to innovative cohousing approach
Learn more about Fremont's first cohousing community and how we're making waves. These units are more than new condominiums for sale.

Photo by Wayne Bowen, MPV Member
Tri-City Voice
Plans to be submitted for Fremont's first cohousing development
Tracts of cookie-cutter suburban homes are no longer satisfactory. Connected communities enrich lives, and these Fremont locals are committed to building one in their backyard.

Tri-City Voice
Fremont delegates to attend National Cohousing Conference
The National Cohousing Conference came and went! Read about what Members Evelyn and Walter gained from their trip to Madison, WI.

Tri-City Voice
Cohousing's layout is key to making it work
It's the work of the design and the community members who create cohousing. Without those two things, cohousing neighborhoods begin to resemble your average condos.

Tri-City Voice
Finding the balance in housing choice
In the first of a series by Mission Peak Village Members Evelyn LaTorre and Jane Mueller, they explain how cohousing entered the U.S. housing market and our subsequent progress.

Photo by Wayne Bowen, MPV Member
Tri-City Voice
Fremont group designing to reflect current lifetsyles
Most households don't look like the typical nuclear family anymore, so Mission Peak Village is building to accommodate 21st century lifestyles. Mission Peak Village Architect Brad Gunkel is pictured to the left.